SHS Alumnae

Every former pupil is automatically a member of the Sarum Hall School Alumnae association.

It provides a forum for former pupils, parents, staff or friends of the school to keep in touch, share news and meet together.

Our alumnae have pursued a variety of educational paths since leaving Sarum Hall School, attending universities in the UK and abroad.

The purpose of our alumnae is primarily to put Sarum Hall School alumni – recent leavers as well as not-so-recent – in contact with each other and to organise reunion events. Joining is completely free.

We would be very interested to hear from you if you have any suggestions for Sarum Hall School Alumnae events. Additionally, if you have any photographs, anecdotes or stories from your time at the school that may be of interest for the school magazine then please do send them to us.

You can keep in touch by email. Please share our news with any ex-pupils that you may have stayed in touch with and invite them to do the same.

If you wish to be added to our database of previous Sarum Hall School attendees, please email us at


“Why did we choose Sarum Hall? Its reputation and our observations on the school’s value system and pastoral care, and how they raise the girls in addition to educating them. Also their commitment to music, the arts and extra-curricular activities.”

Sarum Hall School parent

“I think she is being extremely well taught in a very nurturing environment.”


Sarum Hall parent

“My daughter is happy and enjoys her school experience immensely. She often surprises us with the breadth of her knowledge.”

Sarum Hall parent