Our ICT provision serves to ensure that the girls are prepared for the wider world through coding, augmented reality, green screen technology and robotics, alongside the traditional curriculum requirements including touch typing.
Our ICT provision serves to ensure that the girls are prepared for the wider world through coding, augmented reality, green screen technology and robotics, alongside the traditional curriculum requirements including touch typing.
Technology use is at the forefront of life at Sarum Hall School. We approach technology in a balanced and holistic way.
Pupils throughout the School have structured Computing and ICT lessons where they learn the skills necessary not only to understand but to enjoy using today’s technology. In addition, ICT is increasingly used to support the teaching in other curriculum areas, from maths to music.
Rather than the traditional computer suite with banks of desktops, our recently renovated suite is a contemporary and flexible learning space. The environment fuses the lastest mobile technologies with the innate ability of all children to be creative. There is no fixed furniture; everything is mobile. It’s a space in which the pupils take ownership of their learning. From Year 2 onwards, each pupil is issued with their own iPad to support them with their learning.
The school uses G-Suite tools including Google Classroom as well as other online educational tools, such as Purple Mash and Seesaw, to enrich the curriculum and enhance the pupils’ learning experience. Preparing our pupils for the future of education, the workplace and the world in general, is key to our curriculum. This is accomplished through gaining experience of collaborative working, understanding how to use a range of different technologies, of course, how to be safe online.
Examples of technology use include:
All classrooms have interactive whiteboards or state-of-the-art touchscreens allowing the use of engaging resources from the web during lessons. The use of iPads and Chromebooks in the classroom also allows for regular use in cross-curricular subjects.