Parents’ Association

The Sarum Hall Parents’ Association (SHPA) organise events throughout the school year to promote a sense of community, fun and enjoyment and they serve to supplement the raft of opportunities available in school life, whilst raising vital funds for charity. They support the school in delivering enjoyable child-centred projects floor the benefit of the whole community.

All families are automatically members of the Sarum Hall Parents’ Association when they join the school and pay annual fees for membership. We are fortunate to have a Parents’ Association that has been an integral part of the school for a number of years. All parents are encouraged to support the Parents’ Association’s objectives and their primary aim is to offer events for the benefit of the pupils and school community, whilst raising money for charity. The Sarum Hall Parents’ Association (SHPA) is an informal liaison between parents and the school and all roles are undertaken voluntarily. Their objectives are:

  • To promote the spirit of the community within the School by organising a variety of events throughout the year;
  • To encourage and enable the participation of parents in promoting the well-being and interests of pupils at Sarum Hall School;
  • To raise funds for social events and donations to chosen charities;
  • To provide transparency of the finances through an annual publication of accounts. They achieve these objectives through a range of organised events such as:
  • Curriculum evening socials;
  • Hallowe’en charity break with themed activities for the pupils;
  • Supporting house charity events;
  • Summer Fair;
  • Christmas Fair;
  • Easter Fun Morning;
  • Quiz Night;
  • Christmas themed activities such as decorating a bauble for our tree and fun mornings.

They nominate two charities to support each year and ensure smaller, local charities are selected in order to see the maximum impact of their fundraising. The committee also encourage nominations from parents who have a charity close to their hearts for personal reasons. In the last few years they have supported charities such as Little Village, Happy Baby Community, Epilepsy Action, The Little Jimmy Brighter Future Fund, The Doorstep Library, iheart and Orchestras for All.

“Why did we choose Sarum Hall? Its reputation and our observations on the school’s value system and pastoral care, and how they raise the girls in addition to educating them. Also their commitment to music, the arts and extra-curricular activities.”

Sarum Hall School parent

“I think she is being extremely well taught in a very nurturing environment.”


Sarum Hall parent

“My daughter is happy and enjoys her school experience immensely. She often surprises us with the breadth of her knowledge.”

Sarum Hall parent